Business Review
Company profile
Kistos NL2 B.V. (‘Kistos NL2’ or ‘the Company’)
is a 100%-owned subsidiary of Kistos NL1
B.V. (‘Kistos NL1’), which is a 100%-owned
subsidiary of Kistos plc. The address of its
registered office and principal place of business
is Alexanderstraat 18, 2514 JM Den Haag, The
Netherlands. Together with Kistos NL1 (formerly
Tulip Oil Netherlands B.V.), it forms the Kistos
Group, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Group’.
The Company is wholly and directly controlled
by Kistos NL1 and by its ultimate parent Kistos
Holdings plc. The main focus of the Company
is upstream development and production
with a focus on exploitation opportunities
in undiscovered and undeveloped offshore
oil and gas fields in the Netherlands. As at
31 December 2022, Kistos NL2 holds the
exploration licences for Q8, Q10-B and Q11
and holds the production licences for Q7
and Q10-A. Together with Energie Beheer
Nederland (EBN) as partner, Kistos NL2 acts as
the operator in the joint operation agreements
of the abovementioned offshore licences.
The Board hereby submits to the shareholders
the financial statements for the financial
year 2022, as prepared by management and
approved by the Board on 30 May 2023. BDO
Audit & Assurance B.V. audited the financial
statements. Its report can be found on page
47. The Board recommends that shareholders,
in accordance with the Articles of Association,
adopt these financial statements and, as
proposed by the Board, transfer the profit for
the 2022 financial year of €69.6 million to
retained earnings.
Business review
In the 12 months to the end of December 2022,
net production from Q10-A gas field offshore
the Netherlands (Kistos 60% and operator)
averaged 4.7 kboe per day (2021: 5.0 kboe per
day). The drilling programme we commenced
in July 2021 – shortly after taking control of the
asset which was completed in February 2022
– achieved its aim of minimising the natural
decline in production.
A further drilling campaign at Q10-A was
initiated in November 2022 and departed in
March 2023 having safely completed its work
programme. The Kistos technical team, with the
assistance of external consultants, is undertaking
a detailed evaluation of the campaign results
and future production enhancement options,
and we are evaluating the potential for further
drilling campaigns in the future. This is being
done with a view to accelerating production
and maximising recovery from Q10-A,
especially now we have decided to continue
utilising the P15-D platform for export.
This decision was announced alongside our
interim results in September 2022. As we
stated then, it substantially reduces future
capital expenditure and eliminates the risk of
production interruptions resulting from the
work to install a new export route. In addition,
changes to the tax environment have made
investment less attractive. For those reasons,
it was the right decision economically.
However, because Q10-A will remain reliant
on the availability of older infrastructure that
we don’t control, cessation of production is
likely to occur in the 2030s rather than the
2040s. This was a major contributor to the
reduction in 2P reserves in 2022.
In July 2022, Kistos NL2 B.V. (‘Buyer’) and
Kistos Energy Limited (‘Seller’, a related
party to Kistos NL2 as both entities share
the same ultimate parent company, Kistos
Holdings plc) entered into a gas sales
agreement. Under this agreement the Seller
was committed to exclusively sell and deliver
gas from its interest in the Greater Laggan
Area (located offshore in the UK) to the Buyer
against a contract price, calculated as the
relevant UK gas index price minus a handling
and marketing fee. The contract price is
considered to be in line with the ‘arm’s
length’ principles. The gas sales agreement
ended on 1 January 2023.
Central to our operations is our health, safety
and environmental (HSE) performance. While
our overall performance was positive, we did
suffer one Lost Time Incident in early 2022 on
the Borr drilling rig. However, we did not suffer
any medical treatment cases and there was
no increase in first aid cases. This was despite
having drilling rigs on location for more than
six months of the year.
Financial position
Adjusted EBITDA for 2022 was €273.0 million
(2021: €104.3 million) Hence, we ended
the year with net cash (defined as cash
less face value of bond debt outstanding)
of €72.0 million (2021: net debt of
€105.6 million), which was achieved after
capital expenditure of €17.2 million and
repurchase of bond debt of €68.4 million.
During 2022, the Orion oil field development
project completed the Concept Assess phase
and moved into the Concept Select phase
and we expect to submit a Field Development
Plan (FDP) and permitting requests to the
authorities before the end of this year. In
addition, our experienced technical team
in the Netherlands continues to assess the
potential for the Q11-B gas discovery to be
developed. It is doing so despite the changes
to, and uncertainty surrounding, the tax
regimes in the Netherlands that have caused
us to fully impair the value of the assets until
such time as there is sufficient fiscal clarity or
incentives available to encourage investment
in energy security.
Given that the greenhouse gas emissions
associated with imported hydrocarbons are
typically much higher than those associated
with locally produced hydrocarbons, the
imposition of so-called windfall taxes on
Europe’s upstream oil and gas industry is
difficult to comprehend. This is all the more
so when the negative implications of these
measures for energy security of supply are also
considered. We have already seen companies
with international asset portfolios cancelling
North Sea projects and diverting capital
elsewhere and the instability of the fiscal
regime in which we operate has prompted us
to review our investment options.
Summary Report of the Board Audited Financial Statements Independent Auditor’s ReportKistos NL2 B.V. 2022 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements 05