Strategy and Goals

Our Strategy

As an energy business with a vital role to play in society’s transition to a low-carbon future, we seek to grow and create value for our investors in harmony with the planet and with people.

Our ESG strategy is grouped under three pillars

Putting people first

We will create safe, inclusive workplaces, promote human rights and strengthen our local communities.

  • Health and safety
  • Access to energy
  • Engagement with communities and stakeholders
  • Employment, training and education
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Human rights

Operating ethically and responsibly

We will act with integrity to ensure we’re always doing the right thing.

  • Risk management
  • Business ethics and governance
  • Operations in sensitive or complex locations
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Financial risks of climate change
  • Funding and investment
  • Economic performance

Caring for the environment

We will continue to prioritise sustainable business practices with every decision we make.

  • Action on climate change
  • Global energy transition
  • Operational energy use
  • Spill performance
  • Air quality, emissions and waste
  • Decommissioning
  • Ecological impacts and biodiversity

Our ESG Goals

In late 2023, we began re-evaluating our ESG goals to explore whether any adjustments or refinements were needed. We have now developed a revised set of ESG goals for 2024.

We concluded that some of our previously published goals were no longer aligned with our evolving business while others were not applicable at a Group level. We have therefore developed, approved and published a revised set of ESG goals, which will apply from 2024.

We believe the following ESG goals more accurately align with our current business strategy and will allow both Kistos and our stakeholders to measure progress across our strategic operations more effectively.

  • Icon 2 Caring for the environment
  • Achieve carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030.
  • Maintain zero operational spills annually in our operated sites1.
  • Maintain zero hazardous contaminants in discharges to water annually in our operated sites1.
  • Incorporate nature-inclusive design principles into new operated projects1.
  • Icon 1 Putting people first
  • Achieve zero harm to workers annually in our offices and operated sites1.
  • Recruit from a diverse, qualified group of candidates to increase range of thinking and perspective.
  • Foster a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility and fairness to enable all employees to
  • contribute to their potential and increase retention.
  • Embed diversity and inclusion in policies and practices, and equip leaders with the ability to manage
  • diversity and be accountable for the results.

1 Operated sites and projects comprise oil and gas fields, facilities and infrastructure where the Group has control, responsibility and accountability over activities, safety, emissions and decisions impacting the sites. Operated sites therefore comprise all Dutch licences, including the Q10-A platform, and offices owned or leased by the Group.